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Bertha-Hewitt School District
Early Childhood Education
Bertha-Hewitt’s School Readiness (preschool) program emphasizes activities in all areas of growth and learning. Our goal is to prepare children for success in school and life, and we believe it is more important than ever to educate the whole-child. Research shows that a whole-child... CLICK HERE TO READ MORE.
What Is Head Start:
Head Start is a national program that provides comprehensive education, health, nutrition, and parent involvement services for children ages 3 – 5 in a classroom setting located at the Bertha-Hewitt School... CLICK HERE TO READ MORE.
Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) is a FREE program for families with children between the ages of birth and Kindergarten.
Minnesota law requires a health and developmental screening at least once before starting School Readiness, Kindergarten or Early Childhood Special Education.
The early childhood years from birth to the start of kindergarten are an... CLICK HERE TO READ MORE.
If you would like to register your child to participate in one or more of these Early Childhood Education programs call Lisa Wick at 218-629-6082.
Bertha-Hewitt Preschool is a 4-star-awarded program through the Parent Aware rating system. Click HERE to learn more about the rating tool.
Freshwater Education District provides a variety of services for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with special needs. Children who are referred are evaluated with a comprehensive developmental assessment... CLICK HERE TO READ MORE.
Click HERE to find links to helpful resources for parents of early childhood students.

Bertha-Hewitt’s School Readiness (preschool) program emphasizes activities in all areas of growth and learning. Our goal is to prepare children for success in school and life, and we believe it is more important than ever to educate the whole-child. Research shows that a whole-child approach to education, one where children have opportunities to develop math and literacy skills, but also, social-emotional, physical and cognitive skills is developmentally appropriate and better prepares children for life well beyond their time in a classroom.
Research-based Teaching Strategies Creative Curriculum is implemented in Bertha-Hewitt’s preschool classes and teaches children to initiate, discover, experience, and learn about ideas, events, and people. Children can create, experiment, problem-solve, and resolve conflicts as they learn. This approach enhances each young person's growth in the foundations of academics as well as in social-emotional, physical, and creative areas. The development of each child is discussed with parents/guardians and documented through the Teaching Strategies Gold assessment tool. TS Gold enables a whole-child approach to assessment.
Classes run September to May. Participation fees may be reduced or waived depending upon your financial situation. For more information on classes, space available, or fees, contact Lisa Wick at 218-629-6082.

Lisa Hubbard,
Michelle Wolhowe,

Lisa Hubbard, ECFE
Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) is a FREE program for families with children between the ages of birth and Kindergarten.
ECFE recognizes the family provides a child’s first and most important learning environment and parents are a child’s first and most significant teachers.
ECFE provides a place for parents to learn and practice important parenting and family life skills while build trusting relationships with other parents from the community.
ECFE supports the growth and learning of parents and children together at a critical time for building healthy relationships among families Research confirms that children whose parents are involved in their learning are more successful in school.
ECFE also offers home visits, family events and programs designed to give parents information and ideas to support the growth and development of their child.
Parents and children attend ECFE classes together and enjoy playtime, learning experiences, songs, snack time, parent discussion and more.
Classes are offered on Tuesdays (September to April).
Family Classes (Birth – 5 years) are offer at two times:
*4:00 – 5:30pm and *6:00 – 7:30pm
Please call: Lisa Wick, Freshwater Education District, for registering or for more information: (218) 629-6082.

Lisa Hubbard,

- Preschool Screening
Minnesota law requires a health and developmental screening at least once before starting School Readiness, Kindergarten or Early Childhood Special Education.
The early childhood years from birth to the start of kindergarten are an important time of rapid growth and learning. Early Childhood Screening is conducted by a trained professional who will check your child’s vision, hearing, language and communication, large and small motor skills, cognitive, social and emotional skills, height, weight and immunization record. The process involves playful activities that make it an enjoyable experience for your child, while providing valuable information to the screener. Results are immediately shared with the parent or guardian by an Early Childhood Educator. The screening is not a test. The purpose of the screening is to affirm a child’s development and identify any early needs for educational assistance. If there are questions or concerns, parents/guardians are informed of resources for further assistance or evaluation. Early Childhood Screenings are at no cost to families.
Screening Appointments:
Early Childhood Screenings are scheduled for August, prior to the start of the new year. The screening takes approximately one hour. You can call at any time to schedule an appointment, especially if you have concerns about your child. It is important that a parent or guardian attend the appointment with the child.
Scheduling a Screening:
If your child is from 3-5 years old and has not been screened please contact Lisa Wick to schedule an appointment:
(218) 629-6082 or
Screenings are located at the Early Childhood Center in Bertha School (Door 11)
**Please call at any time if you are new to the district.
Questions and Contact Information
Lisa Wick, Early Childhood Coordinator
Freshwater Education District
(218) 629-6082
2024 Preschool Screening
August 14 & 15

For more information on screening or for more information on your child's development please see Help Me Grow MN HERE.

What Is Head Start:
Head Start is a national program that provides comprehensive education, health, nutrition, and parent involvement services for children ages 3 – 5 in a classroom setting located at the Bertha-Hewitt School.
Curriculum and Assessments:
The Head Start classroom utilizes The Creative Curriculum, which is a research-based curriculum. The research has shown that a whole-child approach to education better prepares children for later success in school. The classroom environment is set up to provide children with tools to support their growth through instruction, project-based investigations, and individualization.
In addition to the curriculum, children are assessed three times a year using the TS GOLD assessment tool. Throughout the year, teachers will observe and document children’s growth and at conference time share with parents the information gathered.
Head Start and Parents:
Parents are a child’s first teacher and as such are encouraged to share what they observe their child doing at home and to partner with staff on developing goals that they want their child to achieve. Head Start also encourages families to participate in the Parent Committee. When your child is selected for the program you automatically become part of the Parent Committee. The benefits of the committee are: Parent Trainings, Input into Family/Child Activities, and other opportunities.
Head Start is required to serve children with the highest needs first. Information that is used to determine need include: Income, any Special Needs, and Family Circumstances. There is no cost to attend the Head Start program. The program provides services four days a week Monday thru Thursday for 7 ½ hours a day. Children who attend will receive Breakfast, Lunch and an Afternoon Snack at no charge.
For more information contact Dina Wuellner at

Kristin Ross,
Jackie Beavers,

Freshwater Education District provides a variety of services for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with special needs. Children who are referred are evaluated with a comprehensive developmental assessment. Upon qualifying children can receive early intervention services.
Infants and toddlers are provided with home visits to work with families on how to incorporate activities for learning into their routines at home. Service providers include Early Childhood Special Education teachers, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech clinicians and any other special education services as necessary.
Preschool aged children generally attend a center based program that offers activities to encourage their development. Students attend preschool programs in their respective communities in inclusive sites. Service providers work within these sites to individualize programs to meet the children's specific needs. These providers include ECSE teachers, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech clinicians and any other special education services as necessary.
To make a referral for developmental testing or with concerns about a child's development, call Margaret Grondahl at (218) 629-6014 or email Margaret at