Bertha-Hewitt School Fine Arts
Director: Craig Vogl

Welcome to the Bertha-Hewitt Band program! We encourage student’s 5th-12th to participate in our four ensembles; 5th grade band, 6th grade band, junior high band and senior high band. In 5th and 6th grade band students get to know their instruments with weekly lessons that focus on fundamentals and have an opportunity to perform during our winter and spring school concert performances. In junior high band classes meet daily allowing more time to practice and improve skills. Junior high students are also able to and encouraged to participate in pep band! Senior high band takes part in many different opportunities to perform in school events, programs and MSHSL sponsored competitions.
Director: Jade Gerlach
Bertha-Hewitt choir begins for students in 5th grade. Students will be building upon the musical skills they’ve been learning since kindergarten with a specific focus on singing. Students will make music together and grow together, singing is a learned skill, and all are welcome to participate! Choir students will have the opportunity to travel to participate in solo and ensemble contest, large group contest, and a few other festival opportunities throughout the year.
Coach: CJ Baumgartner
Speech students will see tangible benefits from participation while in school including gaining confidence in public speaking, spontaneity in interviews, improved writing and unique, diverse perspectives. The skills learned in speech activities have universal benefits – no matter the student’s future career choice – because they develop the personal attributes needed to effectively interact with others, including: listening critically, functioning well under pressure, problem solving, telling a good story and managing time well.
Fall Play
Director: Scott Wegner
The Fall School play is open for any 7th-12th grade students to participate. Apart from acting and performing, students can also assist with writing, set design and lighting. Try outs for the school play begin in September with practice and rehearsals running through October and finishing with school wide and community performances in November. The school play is a great way to gain team work skills and building self-confidence through performaning.
One-Act Play
Director: Scott Wegner
One-Act Play is an MSHSL sponsored activity that begins with try-outs, rehearsal, school/community performances and culminates in a state-wide competition at the end of each season. Students that wish to be involved are selected for various roles after a try out process, ranging from lead character to set production and lighting. One-act play is team oriented activity that provides students with many positive benefits through participation, including teamwork, self-confidence, public speaking, and appreciation for the arts.
Visual Arts
Advisor: Traci Wutzke
Visual Arts classes will provide a variety of experiences that explore various types of art in two-dimensional (drawing, print-making, and painting) as well as three-dimensional (ceramics, sculpture, textiles/fiber arts) formats and will integrate art history, design principles, elements of art, and critique, response and reflection. Visual Arts students will have opportunities to enter local and regional art competitions, their work will be displayed at our Arts Showcase in the spring and also the potential to sell artwork in our school store!