Bertha-Hewitt School Sports Boosters Club

The Bertha-Hewitt Sports Boosters is an organization that helps support the efforts of sports teams, clubs and student organizations at Bertha-Hewitt. All parents that have a student/athlete at Bertha-Hewitt are inherently a sports booster, however parents ultimately choose how active they are with sports booster support . Support can be shown in many ways, including attending games, volunteering time, raising money, and contributing funds to better enhance our programs.
The Bertha-Hewitt sports boosters are always looking for more parents to bring new and fresh ideas to our quarterly meetings and help with organizing fundraisers that are held throughout each year.
Bertha-Hewitt is one of the few remaining schools in the state where students do not pay any participation fees to play sports. It is the support from our sports boosters and active parents that make this possible! If you would like more information on how you can become more involved with the Bertha-Hewitt sports boosters, please contact the Bertha-Hewitt office at 218-924-2500.